New for 2020... Homethings

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In the post-blue-planet-2 world, lots of brands are developing eco-friendly, reduced plastic household products. The Good Roll, Bumboo and Splosh are all worth a look. Even mainstream brands such as cif have begun to produce refills which means less plastic.

I’ve tried a few options for cleaning products but, for me, they never tick all the boxes. Many brands switch one single-use plastic for another. While they may promise to recycle their packaging I think by now we have to accept recycling isn’t the answer to the plastic problem.

In a lot of ways, buying plastic-free or reduced plastic products is a privilege. Ultimately, I would need the price point to be closer to cruelty-free brand Astonish, than indie or trend-driven eco brands like splosh and method.

That’s why I’m excited about the launch of the Homethings Kickstarter in the UK later this year. Homethings follows a similar subscription plan to splosh however rather than sending you plastic pouches you receive tablets, wrapped in paper, that you dissolve into water - that’s very low packaging and lower carbon because you're not shipping around water for no reason.

You can sign up to receive information on their Kickstarter launch here. I can’t wait.

**EDIT: you can now join Homethings on Kickstarter **

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