How to stay inside all winter


Winter is finally underway. We've had it quite lucky so far but it's already enough for me to bundle myself away for the duration. But first a few supplies.

  1. Firstly hot chocolate! For me, it has to be real chocolate and it has to be in the milk frother. I like to use 100g of dark chocolate per mug of milk and then sweeten to taste.
  2. A blanket is a must-have and a blanket fort is even better
  3. Stew. Make a stew, make 5. try my dad's sausage casserole!
  4. Make pudding. You can make a simple batter with 30g of plain flour and 70g of cornflour mixed with 70ml of sparkling water. Then I recommend you pass the time deep frying all the sweets and fruits you have.
  5. How about a grown-up drink? Make a blackcurrant toddy simply mix 2 parts crème de cassis 1 part lemon juice and 4 parts water, then heat. Simple and cosy winter drink
  6. Stock up on books. Check out belzanwhistles for some recommendations.
  7. Learn a new hobby. I love to knit and this month I am trying my hand at macramé with this kit. There are plenty of tutorials online I recommend checking out the Wool and The Gang YouTube channel.
  8. And if you do have to go outside - good luck.

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